Dreamy Tides Bouquet Ring
Dreamy Tides Bouquet Ring
The Dreamy Tides Bouquet Ring features a delicate arrangement of beaded pastel green and pink flowers, complemented by lustrous freshwater pearls. This adjustable ring is pretty in pastel, perfect for a coquette mermaid.
- Handcrafted with glass beads, freshwater pearls and gold-plated findings.
- Size 6 (adjustable), which is 16.6mm/0.6 inches width.
Processing and Shipping
Processing and Shipping
This is a ready-to-ship piece which will be processed and shipped in 4 business days. However, do take note that if you have any made-to-order items in your order, it can take 1-2 weeks for us to make and ship your entire order.
More details on shipping fees and times can be found in our FAQ section, or the chatbox on screen.
You can refer to our Refunds and Returns policy here as well.
Jewellery Care
Jewellery Care
Make sure all body creams, moisturisers and perfumes are put on and well absorbed BEFORE wearing jewellery.
Remove jewellery before engaging in activities that result in your jewellery coming into contact with moisture, perspiration and friction.
These tips can help you extend the longevity of your jewellery.
Find more detailed jewellery care tips in our FAQ section!
We can adjust your necklace at no cost. Simply drop a note at checkout.
Do take note that the pattern of the necklace might have to be modified, or that we might be unable to adjust the necklace exactly to your specifications.